Saturday, September 12, 2009

Direction of my blog

If this blog was a small child I'd hope to be deemed as an unfit mother. I've forgotten about it really. I'd like to redeem the relationship that I've developed with this blog though. Even my expression of small thoughts about theology or philosophy always left me feeling so happy. I miss that happiness. It kept me balanced in my mind. I hope to write something, anything really, sometime this week. If there is anyone that still follows this blog I thank you. I hope to fix it and give you something worth reading.

If you're interested, follow my new poetry blog. You can find it on my profile. I've been writing poetry lately. It rhymes a little too much, but other than that, I'm quite happy with it. I hope to have that blog setup and running by Monday morning.


Anonymous said...

Glad you're back =]

Eric said...
