Saturday, June 26, 2010

Can you guess his soteriological views?

I bought a theological dictionary at a used bookstore the other day. I didn't get super picky or spend much time selecting a good one. I saw the price of $3.75 and that was good enough for me.

So then I take it home and I'm a bit disappointed with it. It's not the most thorough dictionary, the definitions don't go too far, and there are a bunch of terms or phrases I'd like to see within it. But my disappointment faded away when I read the definition of "Calvinism." When I shared this definition with a friend of mine that is Eastern Orthodox his reaction was, "Christina, you're making this up. It doesn't really say that." But oh yes, it does. My favorite parts (the obviously biased parts) are in bold print. Even as a Calvinist, this is just funny. Enjoy.


John Calvin was born in France in 1509. He was one of the foremost of the Reformers.

Calvin taught no new doctrines. He simply put into systematic form (in his book 'The Institutes of the Christian Religion') the whole range of the doctrines of the Scriptures.

A Calvinist believes all that the Bible teaches about God and the human race. Calvinism emphasises the sovereignty of God about the sinful nature of mankind because the Bible teaches these doctrines..."

Gee I wonder if this guy is a Calvinist? So awesome.


Ikonophile said...

Yeah, you can tell he's nice and objective, lol.

Ikonophile said...

Oh, and thanks for approving my other comments on one of your older posts that you actually have yet to approve (hint, hint).