Ok so every year my friend Eric and I post New Year's Resolutions blogs. Usually I end up deleting the list after a month or so because I feel like a failure when I reflect on how many I've actually kept. Though I would say that I've kept 2 of my resolutions/goals of 2011. I wanted to grow in godliness. While I'm not as holy as I'd like to be, I have noticed maturity. I also wanted to lose weight. Currently I'm down 56 pounds. I think the reason I so often fail to keep these resolutions is because I put too much pressure on myself at the beginning of the year and the slightest slip up gets me discouraged to the point of giving up and moving on. But as a whole, 2011 has been a year of change for me and I'm thankful that God has blessed me.
So here are 10 goals/resolutions I have for the year of 2012 in no particular order:
1. Holiness- I'd like to continue to grow in godliness. I want to be more devoted to God. I want to be more devoted to worship, prayer, Bible study, and ministering to others. I want to love others more than I do and really show that love. I want God to use me to serve Him by serving the Church. I want to be in love with God more than anyone or anything else. I also want to become a prayer warrior that talks to God so much that God finds Himself overwhelmed with me.
2. Weight loss- My weight loss focus for 2011 didn't really begin until about half way through the year, maybe even later. I need to work on my diet and keep avoiding those cookies. I want to spend the whole year of 2012 working on this. I want to spend a lot of time in the gym working out and toning certain areas. I also have a lot of personal fitness goals I desire to reach. I believe God has been blessing my efforts so far and I give Him all the glory for this.
3. Financial goals- I'm currently looking for a job and recently had a phone interview. Hopefully this all comes together for me. I am hopeful that 2012 will be a year where I become faithful in my giving/tithing, I'd like to purchase a car, and provide for my family.
4. IHOP- I really want to visit the International House Of Prayer and spend some time in worship there. Even a weekend trip would do.
5. Remain single- I know that's an odd sounding goal. Around the end of October of 2011 I believe God spoke to my heart about remaining single for at least a year. I want God to rid my heart of that desire for a relationship until the time is right, and help me walk in obedience. I want to stop flirting and daydreaming about romance, stop pursuing relationships, and just allow God to write my love story.
6.Hang out with Eric- So I have this friend that is like a brother to me. His name is Eric. I haven't seen him in person in over 4 years. I just need a couple days to hang out with him and laugh. He currently lives in MD, and I'm in TN.
7. Learn to speak Spanish- Thanks to my good friend John I have a lot of books that could help me with this. I've just been too lazy to pursue this goal. I'd love to learn the language and be able to minister in whatever way God would use this.
8. Perform a spoken word piece in public- I enjoy writing poetry and lately I've developed a love for word play. I want to share one of these poems at an open mic event.
9. Be outdoorsy- I want to go camping, hiking, swimming, fishing, maybe even rock climbing. If it's outside, I want to do it.
10. Read more- I've got a Kindle, I've got a box of books. I always say I want to do this but rarely follow through with it. I mean I read, but not enough to look back and say "Wow, I read a good amount that year."
1 comment:
Lol, we do have a lot of similar goals actually. And learn Spanish? I can dig it.
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