Anyways, they had a few members of the Duggar family on as guests. Apparently this family has a total of 18 children (I counted 17 in this picture, so this probably isn't the most recent). They have some TV show on the TLC channel. This family was new to me and I fell in love with them.
This is a Christian family. The women in this family all have long hair (trying to live in accordance to 1st Corinthians 11). From what I saw I believe all of the women wear dresses and skirts only. The family discussed how they are debt free. That blew me away! 18 kids and no debt? Amazing! They shop at thrift stores, have never had a brand new vehicle, and they even make their own laundry detergent to save money. I guess you sort of have to make your own detergent when you do 40 loads of laundry a month.
They spoke of their oldest son who just recently got married. They shared that the son and wife never even kissed during their engagement, but saved that for marriage. How precious!
The older daughters wear purity promise rings. When they reach a certain age the mom takes the daughter out shopping or out for a lunch and has a serious conversation about maturity, purity, and lady-like topics. The father also takes the daughters out and tries to show them how they should be treated properly like young ladies. They encourage their children to remain pure until God sends them the one they're meant to marry.
The couple discussed how God revealed to them in scripture what a blessing it is to have children and since that day, they've been pregnant almost nonstop. The wife said that if the Lord was willing, she'd love to have even more children.
Call me crazy but I want this! What an adorable Christian family. God has truly blessed them. I'm not saying I want 18 children. I don't have a specific number in mind. If I have one then the Lord has truly blessed me beyond what I deserve. But how great is that? Having a family that lives the Christian life and values the Bible... I don't think family can get much better than that. I'll be content if I even marry one day. Children would just be a bonus.
Yeah, I realize that posts like these creep people out. Yes, I also realize that posts like these only add to the long list of reasons why I'm single (that list is another blog for another time).